
Be Exalted (Exaltado)


Be exalted 
Be exalted
Be exalted
Be exalted

You are at the right hand of God
Crown with glory and honor
Jesus you are exalted

The God almighty creator of all things
Carried the cross and died for me
Jesus, you are exalted

The Father gave you the name above all
Before you every knee will bow
Jesus, you are exalted

Be exalted 
Be exalted
Be exalted
Be exalted

You taken my sin and my shame
You carried my burden and my pain
Jesus, you are exalted

You broken my curse and my chains
By your stripes I'm healed and saved
Jesus, you are exalted

All the nations await for you alone
You're the desire of my soul
Jesus, you are exalted

The father gave you the name above all names
Before you every knee will bow
Jesus, you are exalted

Be exalted 
Be exalted
Be exalted

(Ana Paula Valadão Bessa)

Oi gente,

Ana Paula Valadão tem escolhido algumas canções de seu ministério, Diante do Trono, para versionar e gravar em inglês. É essa a versão de Exaltado, gravado em 1999. Peguei a letra ouvindo o vídeo, se houver algum erro, perdoem-me.

Vídeo: Ana Paula no CFNI

Um beijo,

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